The Series of Lectures Routes and Rights: International News regarding Situation of Migrants and Refugees, organized by the Centre for Cooperation and Development Initiatives (CICODE) and the Andalusian Solidarity Association of Cooperating University-Members (ASCUA), is taking place during April and May.
- Lectures will be held on Thursdays 7, 14, 21, April, Wednesday, 27 April, and Thursday, 5 May, 2016.
This event aims to create a space for debate, analysis and reflection on the current situation of migrants and refugees who are trying to reach Europe, be it by land or sea. Testimonies of different professionals and representatives of associations who work in the field of human rights will take place. In this regard, analysis and reflection on social, political and academic fields concerning this issue are essential for the development of politics and future actions regarding Cooperation and Education for Development.
- The Series is organized by the Centre for Cooperation and Development Initiatives (CICODE), together with the Andalusian Solidarity Association of Cooperating University-Members (ASCUA), and funded by the Andalusian Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AACID). As well, the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies collaborates in the organization of that event, as well as the Faculties of Political Sciences and Sociology, Psychology, Education Sciences and Labour Sciences of the University of Granada.
The EURO-ARAB FOUNDATION will host the lecture of Wednesday, 27 April, 2016
Presented and Chaired by: Marian del Moral Garrido (Researcher among the research group AfricanInEs, of the Department of Social Anthropology).
- 18h00 – 19h00: “Human Rights in the Southern Border”. Speaker: Carlos Arce Jimenez (Coordinator of Immigration at the Human Rights Association of Andalusia, APDHA).
- 19h00 – 20h00: “From Free Movement within the Economic Space Community of West African States (CEDEAO) to Global Geopolitics regarding Migration. What are the Problems and Challenges that face South-South-North Migrations?”. Speaker: Badara Ndiaye (President of Diaspora: Développement, Education, Migration (DIADEM) of Senegal). The lecture will be given in French. However, simultaneous interpretation will be offered.
- 20h00 – 20h30: Debate.
– You can download the Pdf of the fourth session held at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s Headquarters from this page (in Spanish language).
- For more information about the event, click on the following link: