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23th Meeting of the FIMAM

The Research Forum on the Arab and Muslim World (FIMAM) 

The Research Forum on the Arab and Muslim World (FIMAM, by its acronym in Spanish) is organizing its 23th meeting on December 13h-14th, 20219, at the Euro-Arab Foundation (FUNDEA), in Granada (Spain), in collaboration with the University of Granada (UGR).

As in previous editions, this event is conceived as an informal meeting among researchers based in Spain, open to researchers from other countries as well. The researchers can present projects in their initial stage, ongoing researches or finalized studies on the Arab World, focusing on the field of social sciences and cultural studies. A table will be held for PhD Thesis in their initial stage in order to allow the researchers to receive opinions and advice from senior academics.

The panels will be held mainly in Spanish, with no available interpretation, but interventions in other languages (English, French) may be considered. The conference will be held in a hybrid way: those who wish to attend in person will be able to do, while a virtual classroom will be set up for those who cannot attend.

The deadline for the reception of proposals (of no more than 300 words) will be Friday, October 29th 2021. The proposal must include the following information: 

  • Name of the author
  • Title of the communication
  • Abstract (max. 300 words)
  • Keywords (max. 5 words)
  • Stage of the research: initial, ongoing or finalized.
  • Discipline of the communication


Every speaker on the table will have 15-20 minutes to present their project. The panels will include time for Q&A and further debates.

Accommodation and catering

A list of recommended accommodation facilities and restaurants in Granada will be distributed once the CfP is completed.

A joint dinner will be organized on the first night of the meeting. More details to follow. The people interested in attending the dinner will need to send a confirmation email to the Board.

Presentation and books sales

The FIMAM meeting is a great opportunity to publicize the participants’ publications. A table will be available to those interested in showing or selling their books.


The participation applications, communication proposals or any other suggestions must be sent to the email