On Monday, the Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Antonio Sánchez Ortega, and the President of the Qatari foundation ‘New Ground Research’, Khalid F. Al Khater, signed a framework collaboration agreement at the Euro-Arab headquarters with the aim of promoting and developing joint academic and research activities.
6 -8 November 2004.- Granada.
The OSINT-RADAR and INTERCEPTED Projects are jointly organizing a seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings which will take place on September 19th and will be offered in a blended format, allowing for both in-person attendance in Tirana, Albania, and virtual participation online. Trafficking in Human Beings remains a persistent global
María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia, Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, has passed away in the early hours of this morning at her home in Granada. Her death has caused profound sorrow among all the staff of the Foundation who had the privilege of working with her. They
The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 with the aim of raising awareness of the plight of victims of human trafficking. This year’s global campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against
The Euro-Arab Foundation will participate in the new research and strategic communication platform, which aims to support the implementation of actions to curb radicalisation, through the prism of the defence of human rights. The European Commission has just consolidated one of the most complex projects in the field of prevention
The Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo, is travelling to Doha to participate in the roundtable ‘Combating Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: New Grounds for Understanding and Policy’, a conference that will take place on 9-10 June in the Qatari capital and has been organised by the
On Thursday 9 May, the Euro-Arab Foundation presents the concert ‘Amazigh Music and Poetry’ with the groups Yuba and Band (Morocco-Germany) and Mawlid Guembri by Antonio Arias and Ramón Rodríguez (Granada). Thursday 9 May, at 6.30 p.m., at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation. Access to the concert by invitation,
The Euro-Arab Foundation presents the new book by Eduardo Manzano Moreno, ‘La España diversa. Keys to a plural history’, a book to understand the keys to the diverse past of Spain’s history. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 p.m., at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters, with