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Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought Cooperation News

FIMAM abre el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones

En su XXVI edición, el Foro de Investigación sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán (FIMAM), en el que colabora la Fundación Euroárabe, abre el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones para su próximo encuentro que tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Alicante, del 16 al 18 de octubre de este año.

La fecha límite para la recepción de los resúmenes de las comunicaciones, de un máximo de 300 palabras, es el 31 de mayo de 2024. Para más detalles sobre la información que se debe incluir en las propuestas y las áreas temáticas que se abordarán, se puede consultar la web del congreso

Al igual que en las ediciones anteriores, la 26º reunión del FIMAM será este año un encuentro entre investigadoras e investigadores de toda España, abierto también a otros países.

En él se podrán presentar investigaciones acabadas, en curso o en fase inicial dedicadas a los estudios árabes e islámicos contemporáneos a partir de las ciencias sociales y de los estudios culturales. Se organizará una mesa para la presentación de los proyectos de tesis en fase inicial, con el objetivo de recibir opiniones y consejos de los miembros más veteranos. El congreso se desarrollará de manera presencial en la Universidad de Alicante. Los paneles se celebrarán principalmente en español, pero se podrán considerar intervenciones en otros idiomas (inglés, francés).

Como novedad este año, se ofrece la posibilidad de publicar los textos presentados en el encuentro en tres posibles publicaciones: un libro sobre cuestiones de género en una editorial de prestigio a determinar (en colaboración con Fundación Euroárabe); en la revista Awraq (en colaboración con Casa Árabe); y un libro con la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (en colaboración con el IEMed).


FIMAM es una iniciativa de cooperación científica e información temática en torno al mundo árabe y musulmán que agrupa a una parte importante del panorama investigador español sobre estas cuestiones, con la participación de profesores, investigadores y expertos de universidades y centros de investigación de España y otros países. Desde su fundación, en 1995, se realiza un encuentro anual con el fin de construir una red de intercambio de información.

Como novedad este año, se ofrece la posibilidad de publicar los textos presentados en el encuentro en tres posibles publicaciones: la revista Awraq (en colaboración con Casa Árabe); un libro con la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (en colaboración con el IEMed); o un libro sobre cuestiones de género en otra editorial de prestigio a determinar (en colaboración con Fundación Euroárabe). Las instrucciones de publicación están en los precedentes enlaces, sin perjuicio de que posteriormente se ofrezcan más detalles. A la hora de rellenar el formulario de inscripción, se debe indicar el interés en publicar en una de esas opciones.

Más información sobre este Encuentro en la web del FIMAM.

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Conference of Rhida Tlili “A non-securitarian alternative to counter religious radicalisation”.

Wednesday, 24th March, 2021, at 6 p.m.


A non-securitarian alternative to counter religious radicalisation: the case of Tunisia

  • This conference will be given in Spanish and French with the assistance of simultaneous translation.

By RIDHA TLILI (Tunisia) professor of the University of Tunis, is the director of the Centre of Studies on Cultural Development, UNESCO/ Tunisia and of the Laboratory of Memories and Identities at the National Institute of Heritage of Tunisia. 

Presents and moderates Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, director of the Chair of the Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought and Executive Secretary of the Euroarab Foundation for Higher Studies.

The registration for the seminar is free of charge by filling in the following form: is external)

In this speech, Professor Ridha Tlili presents a practical alternative to fight against religious radicalisation in his country, Tunisia.

During his presentation, he will talk about the experience of Ahmed Tlili for Democratic Culture Foundation that, for years, has worked directly with religious mediators, imams, preachers and teachers in Koranic schools (unregulated religious education) and of the Kuttab (traditional preschool). He considers very necessary to negotiate directly, and in a pragmatic (not ideological) way, with these agents who detain and issue the keys to religious discourse.

In this context, the Tlili Foundation has designed a civic training programme aimed at religious mediators in order to achieve their social integration, so that they are not left out of the democratic process and at the same time mitigate radicalisation by peaceful means.


Doctor in Contemporary History (1986) the subject he teaches at the University of Tunis. Tlili is Director of the Centre of Studies on Cultural Development, UNESCO/ Tunisia and of the Laboratory of Memories and Identities at the National Institute of Heritage of Tunisia. He also runs the Centre of Studies on Cultural Development, UNESCO-Tunisia. Tlili is an Ex-Consultant at Unesco-Magreb (Rabat), Ex Consultant at ALECSO and Secretary General of the Tunisian General Union of Labour (UGTT), organisation that obtained the Nobel Prize in 2015.

He is an associate Professor (assistant) at several universities as the University of Tampere (Finland), Saint-Joseph University of Beirut and in the Master’s Degree “Mediterranean Studies” of the University of Tarragona,and a collaborating Researcher with the IEMED and the Andalusian Legacy.

He is the author of many publications among which we mention, Policies and cultural practices in Tunisia (1990); Cultural practices in the Mediterranean (1991); Arab-Iberoamerican Intercultural Dialogue (2004);The Carthage of the World (2007); Images of Tunisia (presentation and translation of the work by Alfonso De La Serna)-2009; Islam in the 21st century (2019).


  • Wednesday, 24th March, 2021
  • conference will be given in Spanish and French with the assistance of simultaneous translation.

A non-securitarian alternative to counter religious radicalisation: the case of Tunisia

By Rida Tlili (Tunisia). Professor of the University of Tunis, is the Director of the Centre of Studies on Cultural Development, UNESCO/ Tunisia and of the Laboratory of Memories and Identities at the National Institute of Heritage of Tunisia. 

Moderates: INMACULADA MARRERO ROCHA. Director of the Chair of the Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought and Executive Secretary of the Euroarab Foundation for Higher Studies.

  • Wednesday, 21st April, 2021
  • conference will be given in Spanish and French with the assistance of simultaneous translation.

Salafisms in the mena region: discourses and praxis

By MOHAMED RAFIQUI (Morocco). Researcher in Islamic Studies

Moderates: RAFAEL ORTEGA RODRIGO, Deputy Secretary for Cultural Cooperation and International Relations

  • Wednesday, 26th May, 2021
  • conference will be given in Spanish and French with the assistance of simultaneous translation.

Islam and State​

By SAID BENSAID ALLAOUI (Morocco). Writer, Professor and Ex Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Mohamed V (Rabat)

Moderates: ANTONIO SEGURA SERRANO. Deputy Secretary for Training and Research at Euroarab Foundation.

  • Wednesday, 9th June, 2021
  • conference will be given in Spanish and French with the assistance of simultaneous translation.

Islam and Muslims in Europe: scenarios and challenges

By ELHAM MANEA (Yemen/ Switzerland). Writer and human rights Activist.Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Zurich, 

Moderates: ANTONIO SEGURA SERRANO. Deputy Secretary for Training and Research at Euroarab Foundation.

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

“Sociological research on religious radicalization: difficulties and resources” By Abdelhkim Aboullouz

Online Conference

“Sociological research on religious radicalization: difficulties and resources”

By Abdelhkim Aboullouz

Wednesday, December 16th from 18:00 to 20:00 in the virtual classroom of the Euroarab Foundation.


On Wednesday, December 16th, 2020, the Euro-Arab Foundation will present the conference of the Moroccan researcher Abdelhkim Aboullouz, who will address the difficulties and resources researchers studying the phenomenon of religious radicalization encountered. The conference will count with Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, executive secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, who will present and moderate the debate.

In this conference Abdelhkim Aboullouz will address the treatment of violent radicalization in relation to certain religious interpretations as a phenomenon that, arousing much interest at the global level, generates a great social need for understanding, both its manifestations and its causes. While scientific research that meets the demands of academic rigor and objectivity of science, has been carried out other publications of diverse nature such as papers, journalistic reports, studies of intelligence services are produced, which need to be analyzed.

In the case of Morocco, although a large number of all these types of studies have been carried out, there are still radical organizations pending analysis and observation, especially those whose leaders have served prison sentences or benefited from royal pardons.

This conference is part of the program of the Euro-Arab Foundation’s Chair of Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought.

Abdelhakim Aboullouz

Doctorate in Public Law from the University Hassan II of Casablanca. He is a Professor at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences in Ayt Melul (Morocco) where he teaches Political Science, Constitutional Law and History of Political Thought. Among his lines of research are the themes of religion in its relationship to politics, religious communities and social movements, and popular and traditional Islam. He has published two books in Arabic: “Religion and politics in the Islamist discourse in Tunisia: crisis of renewal and emergence of the Nahd party” (Cairo, 2011) and “The Salafist movements in Morocco between 1971 and 2004” (Beirut, 2009). In addition to his participation in several collective volumes and scientific journals with these contributions:

2018. The Islamists in the Maghreb, changing in a context of structural crisis. (in Arabic).

2017. Le salafisme marocain au début des années 2000: du conformisme au pouvoir à la participation (in French).

2017. The Limits of Renewal in the Religious Field (in Arabic).

2017. The Saints in Southern Morocco (in Arabic).

2011. Salafism in Morocco between radicalism and conformism (in English).

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Sharia in the 21st Century – Challenges, Actors and Scenarios

International Congress

Sharia in the 21st Century – Challenges, Actors and Scenarios

Granada. 20th and 21st February 2020

Event organizer: Euroarab Foundation for Higher Studies

– Registration deadline: 18th February 2020.

  • Available languages: Arabic and Spanish  (simultaneous interpretation service available)

On February 20 and 21, the Euroarab Foundation organizes the International Congress “Sharia in the 21st Century – Challenges, Actors and Scenarios” in its headquarters in Granada. Counting on the participation of different experts on this topic from European and arabic organizations and universities (Algeria, France, Morocco, Mauritania, Switzerland, Tunisia and the cities of Barcelona, Granada and Toledo in Spain). 

In April 2013, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life published the results of The World’s Muslims survey: Religion, Politics and Society , conducted  in Africa, Asia and Europe, in 39 different countries and territories. The first group of results addressed different aspects of the Sharia law: Sharia as divine revelation, its interpretation, to whom it should be applied, or its relationship with the national laws in those countries, among other issues. The vast majority of Muslims who live in Islamic countries were in favor of having the Sharia as the only legislation in their country, although the rate is different in each country: 99% in Afghanistan, 8% in Azerbaijan.

But what do we mean by Sharia? Is it a holistic, normative global system? A set of laws of divine inspiration? Is it the Islamic Law? Is it considered social justice? Many different definitions have been given throughout the history of Islam, some of them contradictory.

Therefore, we believe that this congress tackles a linguistic and historical approach to the concept of Sharia in order to reach a better understanding of how it is perceived in the 21st century and how it faces its main challenges. The global challenges which humanity is facing nowadays: climate change, globalization, social inequalities, violence, terrorism and xenophobia, including Islamophobia, its compatibility or incompatibility with modernity or postmodernity.

Quoting Kant, “practice without theory is blind and theory without practice is empty”, thus we believe it is also necessary to analyze how Sharia has been put into practice throughout the history of Islam and its imbrication with non-Islamic legal systems.

But who is in charge of applying the Sharia? Who is qualified to discern what belongs or not to this normative system? That is why it is important to identify the main actors, individuals or institutions, who and which are responsible of this task by the concession of the Islamic society or by their own concession. At the same time, it is important to address where is it applied,  since it is necessary to broaden the view and include other spaces, such as European societies, or Western societies in general, which are not mostly Muslim.

The congress, carried out by the Euroarab Foundation for Higher Studies within the framework of its Chair in Studies of Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought, will address the following topics:

1.- Sharia: State, politics and democracy.

The modern state and the sharia, religious-political interactions, sharia in the political programs of Islamist movements.

2.- Sharia facing the global challenges of the 21st century.

The evolution of its goals throughout history, sharia and international relations, sharia and ecology, sharia and violence management.

3. Sharia and society: Ideal vs. reality – Is the Sharia an utopia?

Sharia throughout social transformations, Sharia and Islamic feminisms, human rights and individual freedoms in Islam, social justice and equality.

4.- Sharia and Islamic reforms – sacred text and modernity.


Granada. 20th and 21st February 2020

THURSDAY, 20th February


INAUGURATION 9:00 – 9:30


First session. 9:30 – 11:30


Moderator: Rafael Ortega

  • Luz Gómez. Autonomous University of Madrid

Sharia: Descriptive, Prescriptive, Performative. For an intellectual history of Islamic modernity

  • Hmida Ennaifer. Zitouna University, Tunisia

Sharia, History and Ethics. Cases of Muhammad Iqbal and WaelHallaq

  • Abderrazak Belagrouz. University Sétif-2, Algeria.

The moral interpretation of Sharia in the present: how it is understood and which challenges it is currently facing


Break. 11:30 – 12:00

Second session. 12:00 – 14:00


Moderator: Ana Silva

  • Ahmed Bermejo. Imam, Barcelona

Sharia: origins, basis and objectives

  • Leila Haddad. Lawyer, deputy and member of the Commission for Rights, Freedoms and Foreign Relations, Tunisia

Women between Sharia and Positive Law. The Issue of Equality in Inheritance

  • Sidina Sidi Mohamed. Al-Hikma Forum, Mauritania.

Sharia between the 17th and the 21st centuries: uses of the term and evolution of its meaning


Third session. 18:00 – 20:00


Moderator: Inmaculada Marrero

  • Said Bensaid Alaoui. Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco

Sovereignty and Sharia

  • Lidia Fernández Fonfria. University of Salamanca and Toledo School of Translators

Sharia in Morocco in the 21st century: official institutions and main actors

  • Rachid GuediraIbn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco

Sharia and the Constitutions of the Political and Administrative Systems of North Africa and the Middle East. Comparative study


FRIDAY, 21st February

Fourth session. 9:30 – 11:30


Moderator: Elena Arigita

  • Tareq Oubrou. Imam of the Great Mosque of Bordeaux, France

French Islam: from Islam in a secular context to the secularism of Islam

  • Abderrahim Anbi. Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco

Women in the Moroccan society and their role in the development of the family economy: Challenges and recognition of rights

  • Brahim Iguizoul. University of Granada

Sharia and contemporary Salafist movements: the awaited change


Break. 11:30 – 12:00

Fifth session. 12:00 – 14:00


Moderator: Luz Gómez

  • Elena Arigita. University of Granada

Sharia and citizenry in Spain: religious authority, regulatory frameworks and transnational dimension

  • Mohamed Abdelouahab Rafiqui. Former imam in Casablanca, Morocco

Sharia and law: problems of the concept and conditions of reality

  • Elham Manea. University of Zurich, Switzerland

Islamic Law in the West: The case of Britain


  • Pilar Aranda, Dean of the University of Granada
  • Inmaculada Marrero, Executive Secretary of the Euroarab Foundation
  • Inés Mazarrasa, Director of the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation


– Inmaculada Marrero Rocha. Professor of International Relations and Public International Law, University of Granada

– Rafael Ortega Rodrigo. Professor of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada


  • Registration deadline: 18th February 2020.
  • Seating is limited to the maximum capacity of the auditorium – (75 people).
  • Available languages: Arabic and Spanish 
  • University credits requested to the University of Granada. The resolution of this petition will be informed in the conference.

–  Registration costs: 10 €

–  Requirements: Fill in the registration form attached and submit it to the Foundation in person or via e-mail ( sends e-mail)). Then wait for your admission.  

–  Payment: Once the Euroarab Foundation confirms the admission of your registration, you will have to deposit  10 € in its bank account (ES48 3183 1800 1910 0472 0023, ARQUIA), with your name and CONGRESO SHARIA as the concept. After making the deposit, you will have to send a proof of payment  to the e-mail address above ( sends e-mail)).

NB: Do not pay before the admission is received.

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

International Congress ‘Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Arab World’

  • Presided by the Secretary General of Universities of the Junta de Andalucía, the Congress is celebrated in Granada, at the Euro-Arab Foundation, on March 28 and 29.
  • The Congress will feature prominent figures from Europe, Arab countries and America, such as Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Edgar Morin, Aziza Bennani or Stefano Allievi, among others.


The international conference ‘Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Arab World’ will be held in Granada, at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation, on 28 and 29 March, in which intellectuals, historians and researchers participate in cultural diversity issues , Immigration, citizenship and coexistence.

The Congress inaugurating the Secretary General of Universities of the Junta de Andalucía, Manuel Torralbo Rodríguez, will feature prominent figures such as the former director general of UNESCO and president of the Culture of Peace Foundation, Federico Mayor Zaragoza; the French philosopher and sociologist, Edgar Morin; the Moroccan diplomat and researcher, Aziza Bennani, the president of the Mominoun Foundation for Research and Studies, Yunis Qandil; the Italian intellectual, Stefano Allievi, or the Danish anthropologist, Tina Gudrun Jensen, among other thinkers and researchers from Europe, the Arab world and America.

The objective of this Congress, organized around 5 thematic axes, is to contribute to overcome the challenges that cultural diversity must face, through the study of models of management of this cultural diversity in different countries. The final aim of this scientific meeting is to create a space in which to exchange experiences and knowledge that allow to add new ideas and practices to the debate.

This Congress is part of the activities carried out annually by the Chair of Studies on Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought, created by the Euro-Arab Higher Education Foundation and the Mominoun Foundation for Studies and Research, with the collaboration of the University of Granada and the Foundation Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Granada.

For more information about the Conference

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Seminar “Modern Arab and Islamic Thought”. Registration Open.

Seminar “Modern Arab and Islamic Thought”, part of the activities of the Chair of Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought, established by the Euro-Arab Foundation and Mominoun Without Borders Foundation(link is external).

Registration open till 27 May, 2016.

The fifth and last seminar, held from 30 May to 3 June, 2016, and imparted by Dr. Said Bensaid Al-Alaoui and Dr. Abdullah Al-Sayed Ould Abah, both experts in the subject, discusses among its program the main theoreticians, schools, trends, changes and horizons of the modern Arab and Islamic thought.

Modern Arab and Islamic Thought.

The seminar tackles the subject of modern Arab and Islamic thought from a perspective that considers the history of thought in order to understand the issues related to the delay and progress of Arab-Islamic societies. Those issues are being researched by several thinkers of the so-called ‘era of the Arab renaissance’, trying to understand why the European West has advanced in material and intellectual progress while Arabs and Moslems have remained behind, suffering decadence in all its manifestations.

The program of the seminar includes the main and essential contributions of modern Arab and Islamic thought, as well as a debate regarding its challenges for renaissance and reformation. Apart from analyzing the forms and manifestations of the renaissance questioning, the seminar presents the different responses of Moslem thinkers since the XIX century, as well as the weaknesses in their proposed models.

The seminar aims at drawing wider horizons that help study the possibilities of qualifying Moslem world to achieve human civilization beyond ideological conflicts that exist between different intellectual and political trends in the Arab world.

Objectives of the Seminar:

  • Explain the major trends in modern Arab and Islamic thought.
  • Analyze the basic concepts of that thought (renaissance, decadence, reformation, modernization, renovation, the West)
  • Compare modern Arab and Islamic thought with the Classical and the Enlightenment thoughts.


  • Dr. Said Bensaid Al-Alaoui. Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Rabat in 1987. Since 1978, Professor of Islamic Thought and Philosophy at the same University. Former President of the University Mohammed V in Rabat. His areas of research are Social History, Philosophy and Political Thought. Published several books in Arabic language, among which figure Fiqh and PoliticsDiscourse and Political Legitimacy in Sunni IslamMuslims and the Future and Islam and Current Issues.
  • Dr. Abdullah Al-Sayed Ould Abah. Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies at the University of Nouakchott in Mauritania. Visiting Professor at several Arab and International universities where he teaches Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Ethics, Politics and Religion and Philosophy of Law. Former coordinator of programs of Arabic and Islamic Culture and Dialogue of Civilizations (ALECSO 2001-2005). Published several books, among which figure History and Reality according to Foucault, Trends of Globalization, The World after 11 September, Obstacles for Democracy in the Arab World, Reality and Identity and New Arab Revolutions: Circle and Destination.

The Seminar is held from 30 May to 3 June, 2016, at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation from Monday to Thursday from 17h00 to 21h00 and Friday from 10h00 to 14h00.

  • Working Hours: 20 hours
  • Registration Fees: 10 €.
  • Acreditation: The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies will issue a Certificate of Achievement to students who attend minimum 80% of the sessions.
  • Registration: Obligatory. Limited places (30). Registraton open till 27 May, 2016. Presentation of the Application Form is requiered. (Application Form attached in this same page).
Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Seminar ‘Islam and Political Islam: Similarities and Differences, from 9 to 13 May, 2016

The Seminar Islam and Political Islam: Similarities and Differences tackles the issue of ‘political Islam’ and the dilemmas that result from the unfortunate mixing between Islam as a religion and political Islam. This issue requires a good understanding of the political reality that prevails in the Arab world. As well, it needs a deep consideration of the ideological bases of those Islamist movements and the political requirements called for by the Arab Spring which have taken the so-called political Islam from opposition to authority situating it, currently, face to face with the challenges of transition and management of State affairs.

The seminar discusses important contemporary Islamist movements, their histories, positions and transformations. Furthermore, it analyzes similarities and differences between Islam as a religion and ‘political Islam’, as well as study the relation between democracy, civil State, the West, modernity, women, citizenship, human rights, identity, secularism, globalization and governance.

Moreover, it compares discourses of Islamist ideologies before the Arab Spring and after gaining power and governing some countries like Egypt and Tunisia. It also examines their transformations on the level of political discourse and action, anticipating the future of ‘political Islam’ and its relation with the nation-State in the light of the development of Arab political events.


  • RIDWAN AL-SAYYID.  Professor of Islamic Studies at the Lebanese University of Beirut. Graduated from the Faculty of Theology of Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Doctor in Islamic Studies from the University of Tübingen in Germany. From 1993 to 1997, Visiting Professor at the Universities of Harvard and Chicago. 
  • MOHAMMED BENSALAH. Professor at the Unviersity of Mohamed VI in Rabat, researcher in history, political thought and issues related to renewal of islamic thought.
  • RAFAEL ORTEGA RODRIGO.  Professor at the Department of Semitic Studies at the University of Granada. Graduated in Geography and History from the University of Valencia. Doctor in Semitic Studies from the University of Granada. Literary and sworn translator of Arabic language. Deputy Secretary for Cultural Cooperation and International Relations at the Euro-Arab Foundation.

The Seminar program can be downloaded on this page.


1. Beginnings and Suggestions of Political Islam.

2. Religion and State according to Political Islam.

3. Possibilities and Results of Political Islam.

4. Political Islam: Dilemma regarding the Concept and Issue of Political Legitimacy.

5. Islamist Movements between Moderation and Extremism: Factors of Appearance and Sociopolitical Changes.

6. Political Islam: Arab Spring and Modern State.

7. Islam according to Contemporary Occidental Historiography.

8. Ambiguous Relation between Institutionalized Religious Power (Institutional Islam), Political Power and Islamist Reply in Contemporary Arab-Islamic Societies.

9. Forgotten Islam: Quotidian Islam vs. Reformist Islam (Reformist and Innovative Discourse)

10. One Islam and Several Readings.

11. Islamic Activism.

12. Religion? Politics? Political Religion?



  • Offer an epistemic vision of Political Islam, its appearance and development.
  • Consider different perspectives of Political Islam and approaches to its analysis and criticism.
  • Discuss how Islamist movements act towards the State, democracy, modernity, human rights and the West.
  • Compare political Islam’s attitude with the principles of Quran and highlight their most relevant similarities and differences.

The Seminar will be held from 9 to 13 May, 2016, from Monday to Thursday (17h00 to 21h00) and Friday (10h00 to 14h00).

– Working hours: 20 hours.

– Registration fees: 10 €.

– Acreditation: The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies will give a Certificate of Achievement to students who attend minimum 80% of the sessions.

– Registration: Obligatory. Limited places (30). Registraton open till 8 May, 2016. Presentation of the Application Form is requiered. (Application Form attached in this same page).

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Lectures by Dr. Radwan El-Sayed at the Universities of Seville and Granada

On 6 and 10 May, 2016, Dr. Radwan El-Sayed imparts the following two lectures at the Universities of Seville and Granada respectively:

  • Friday, 6 May, 2016, at 11h00: at the University of Seville, Faculty of Philology, Aula de Grados, lecture on Islam and the ‘Other’.
  • Tuesday, 10 May, 2016, at 11h00: at the University of Granada, Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, room # 15, lecture on Islamic Thought and the Possibilities of Renewing it.

During his lectures, Dr. Radwan El-Sayed will tackle several subjects among which figure the historical experience of Islam with the ‘other’, whether Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or the ‘other’ Moslem, together with the issue of Moslem minorities and the West according to Moslem scholars of the XX century.


Professor of Islamic Studies at the Lebanese University of Beirut and Visiting Professor at prestigious European and American universities. Editor of important scientific journals. Ex-director of the Institute of Islamic studies at Beirut (Lebanon). Carried out his studies at the Religious Institute in Beirut and continued his academic studies at the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo in 1970. In 1973, got a scholarship from the Adenauer Konrad Foundation where he obtained his PhD degree in Philosophy in 1977. Ex-director of the Arab Development Institute, editor of Arab Thought and co-editor of the quarterly publication Al-Iytihad. Author of several books and studies since 1970, all of which focus mainly on Islamic culture and the history of classical and modern Islamic jurisprudence.

The lectures are part of the program offered by the Chair of Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought. The event is organized by both the Euro-Arab and Mominoun Without Borders Foundations, in collaboration with the Faculty of Philology at the University of Seville and the Institute of Research and Advanced Studies of Granada.

– With Younes Qandil at the Headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation.
Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Interview with Natalia Andujar, Speaker at the Seminar Islamic Thought and Women’s Liberation

Natalia Andujar is one of the speakers at the seminar Islamic Thought and Women’s Liberation, taking place this week at the Euro-Arab Foundation and being the second among the five-seminar series held between January and June in Granada as part of the Chair of Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought, organised by both the Euro-Arab Foundation and the Mominoun Without Borders Foundation.

To hear the complete interview (in Spanish language), click the following link:

— Natalia Andujar during the Seminar taking place at the Euro-Arab Foundation.
Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought

Monday, 18th, beginning of the seminars of the Chair in Islamic Studies

The Euro-Arab Foundation launches the first seminar series within the framework of the “Chair of Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought”. These seminars are offered under the auspices of the Mominoun Without Borders Foundation and in collaboration with Granada Institute for Higher Education and Research.

First Seminar of the series, “Islamic Discourse and Modern Issues”

The seminar is imparted in Granada, at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters, from Monday, 18th, to Friday, 22nd, of January, 2016. It features important experts: the prestigious Arabist Pedro Martínez Montávez; Carmen Ruiz Bravo-Villasante, Professor of Arab Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid; Ahmed El Khamlichi, Former Judge of the Court of Appeal  and President of the Regional Court (1960-1970) as well as Chairman of Dar Al-Hadith Al-Hassania Foundation in Rabat; and Mohamed Bensalah, coordinator of the Chair of Studies in Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought and Lecturer at the University of Mohamed VI in Rabat.

All relevant information regarding the seminar as well as the registration form can be downloaded from this page.

The five seminars which comprise this series will take place in Granada between January and June, 2016, at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters, in the form of lectures and debates. Their main aim is to analyze and debate over contemporary issues related to Islam, Arab-Islamic world and Europe, issues dealt with in academic studies and subject of international debates.

These seminars will provide participants with the necessary tools for the analysis of subjects like contemporary or modern Islamic discourses, Islamic feminism, Islam in Europe, Modern Arab and Islamic thought, as well as Political Islam in Arab-Islamic and Occidental societies. The Chair hosts a broad range of specialists of great renown, both researchers and teaching staff, from European and Arab universities.

Work hours: 20 hours each seminar (100 hours the whole 5 seminars)

Duration: From January to June, 2016

Schedule: 17h00 to 21h00 from Mondays to Thursdays; Fridays from 10h00 to 14h00

Registration fees: 35€ the whole series (5 seminars), 10€ each seminar

Number of places offered: 30 places

Registration: Obligatory for the whole Seminar Series till January, 16 (registration form is available at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s website: who are interested in a particular seminar can register in it till two days before its starting date. In order to finalize the registration process, you should print, sign and send the payment receipt to the following email address: (link sends e-mail)

Accreditation: The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies will give a Certificate of Achievement to students who attend minimum 80% of the sessions.

La  Fundación Euroárabe presenta el primer ciclo de seminarios inscritos en el marco de la “Cátedra de Estudios de Civilización Islámica y Renovación del Pensamiento Religioso”, que desarrolla la Euroárabe bajo el patrocinio de la Fundación Mouminoun Sin Fronteras y con la colaboración del Instituto de Granada para la Educación Superior y la Investigación.

El primer seminario del ciclo, “Discurso islámico y cuestiones contemporáneas”.

Se imparte en Granada, en la sede de la Fundación Euroárabe, del lunes 18 al viernes 22 de enero. El seminario cuenta con importantes expertos como son el insigne arabista Pedro Martínez Montávez; la Catedrática de Estudios Árabes en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Carmen Ruiz Bravo-Villasante; el ex juez del Tribunal de Apelación y Presidente del Tribunal Regional (1960-1970) y Director de la Fundación Dar Al-Hadith Al-Hassania de Rabat, Ahmed El Khamlichi, y el codirector de la ‘Cátedra de Estudios de Civilización Islámica y Renovación del Pensamiento Religioso’ y profesor de la Universidad Mohamed VI de Rabat, Mohamed Bensalah.

Toda la información de este primer seminario así como la ficha de inscripción, se puede descargar en esta misma página.

Los cinco seminarios que ofrece este ciclo se desarrollarán en Granada de enero a junio de 2016, en  la sede de la Fundación Euroárabe, bajo el formato de conferencias y debates.  Su objetivo es analizar y debatir cuestiones contemporáneas relativas al Islam, el mundo árabo-islámico y Europa, que son objeto de estudios académicos y de debate en la esfera pública internacional.

Los seminarios ofrecerán a sus participantes instrumentos de análisis en temas como, discursos islámicos contemporáneos, feminismo islámico, el islam en Europa, el pensamiento árabe e islámico contemporáneo y el islam político en sociedades árabo-islámicas y occidentales. Para ello, la Cátedra cuenta con un amplio elenco de reputados especialistas, tanto investigadores como docentes, procedentes de universidades europeas y árabes.

Carga lectiva: 20 horas cada seminario (100 horas los 5 seminarios)

Duración: entre enero y junio de 2016

Horario: 17h a 21h de lunes a jueves; viernes de 10h a 14h

Precio: 35 euros todo el ciclo (5 seminarios), 10 euros por cada seminario

Número de plazas: 30

Inscripción: Obligatoria para el conjunto del Ciclo del Seminario hasta el 16 de enero (ficha de inscripción disponible en la web de la Fundación Euroárabe: Aquellas personas que estén interesadas en algún seminario en particular podrán realizar la matrícula del mismo hasta dos días antes de su comienzo. Para finalizar el proceso de inscripción deberá imprimir, firmar y enviar el justificante a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: sends e-mail)

Acreditación: La Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios entregará un Certificado de Aprovechamiento al alumnado que asista como mínimo al 80% de las sesiones.