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INTERCEPTED and OSINT-RADAR Co-Host Seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings this September

The OSINT-RADAR and INTERCEPTED Projects are jointly organizing a seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings which will take place on September 19th and will be offered in a blended format, allowing for both in-person attendance in Tirana, Albania, and virtual participation online.

Trafficking in Human Beings remains a persistent global challenge, significantly hindering the effectiveness of criminal justice and social systems. This complexity arises from the inherent nature of the crime itself, the growing digitalization of trafficking networks, heightened social and economic vulnerabilities, and mass displacement leading to humanitarian crises.

This seminar will equip participants with essential knowledge and tools to combat THB. The agenda will focus on:

This seminar will equip participants with essential knowledge and tools to combat THB. The agenda will focus on:

  • Community of Practices for Scenario Awareness and Identification of DaaS (Digital as a Service)
  • Focus on Financial Transactions and Money Laundering: An Analysis of the modus operandi of different criminal groups specialized in different scenarios and how they operate.
  • Introduction to the ‘Follow the Money’ approachThe financial component of THB: the perspective of the investigators and prosecutors
  • Strengthening Alliances – Guidelines for Effective Public-Private Cooperation in Countering Human Trafficking

The seminar will be conducted in English and adhere to the Chatham House Rule. This rule ensures all information shared during closed-door discussions remains confidential regarding its source.

About INTERCEPTED programme

INTERCEPTED is a project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs. Developed by a consortium of six partners, it includes the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Agenfor International Foundation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trieste, the Institute of Police and Security Research at Hochschule für, the Hellenic Police, and the Center for Security Studies-Kentro Meleton Asfaleias-KEMEA.

The project aims to disrupt the digital model of THB by improving the digital capabilities of law enforcement and judicial authorities, focusing on two points for the disruption: recruitment and advertisement, considering that the methods used in terms of language, platforms, targets, and strategies vary according to the profiles of the victims and the type of exploitation.

Please register for the Seminar using the following EU Survey:

The meeting link will be provided prior to the event*

Featured News

Euro-Arab Foundation Mourns Loss of Executive Secretary, María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia

María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia, Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, has passed away in the early hours of this morning at her home in Granada.

Her death has caused profound sorrow among all the staff of the Foundation who had the privilege of working with her. They admired her as a person and colleague, recognizing her exceptional intellectual and professional abilities.

The Board of Trustees of the Euro-Arab Foundation
appointed María Inmaculada Ramos as Executive Secretary in September 2023. Unfortunately, she was forced to leave the position in November of the same year due to her illness.

Born in Quart de Poblet (Valencia), María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia was a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of Granada. She held various leadership roles, including Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Law (2000-2003), Director of the Secretariat for International Relations and Projects (2003-2007), and Deputy Secretary General of the University of Granada (2015-2019). She also served as the Director General of Universities of the Andalusian Government (2019-2020).

The staff of the Euro-Arab Foundation extend their deepest condolences to her family and friends.

May She Rest In Peace

Featured News Projects Videos

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 with the aim of raising awareness of the plight of victims of human trafficking.

This year’s global campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in PersonsLeave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking” calls for accelerated action to end child trafficking, as explained on the UNODC website.

The second INTERCEPTED Targeted Campaign, in line with this year’s UN theme, offers a unique testimony from a leading professional working alongside victims, NGOs and government institutions in child protection.

The Euro-Arab Foundation is part of the consortium of the European project INTERCEPTED, for the disruption of the digital business model of human traffickers.

News Projects Research

The Euro-Arab Foundation will be part of the EU’s new knowledge centre to prevent radicalisation

The Euro-Arab Foundation will participate in the new research and strategic communication platform, which aims to support the implementation of actions to curb radicalisation, through the prism of the defence of human rights.

The European Commission has just consolidated one of the most complex projects in the field of prevention of radicalisation, the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation, which was presented this morning at an event in Brussels. The contract, awarded to a consortium of eleven European entities, including the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (based in Granada), has a duration of four years and is funded to the tune of 60 million euros. The aim of this centre, which takes over from the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), is to create a platform that produces, compiles and disseminates knowledge and effective practices in the field of radicalisation prevention, both for EU member states and for third countries that are involved. 

The executive secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Antonio Sánchez Ortega, expressed “great satisfaction” at seeing how “the process we started working on more than ten years ago is now enshrined with a much more holistic vision, capable of anticipating the perpetration of violent actions and making use of new online tools”.

The presentation today in Brussels of the new European Centre of the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation

The initiative will be led by the Danish NTU International, and the consortium includes the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (Spain), Innovative Prison Systems-IPS (Portugal), the Polish Platform for Homeland Security, the Centre for Security Studies (Greece), the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection, the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, the European Research and Project Office-GmbH (Greece), the Deep Blue Research Centre (Italy), the European Centre for Studies and Initiatives (Italy) and the Romanian National Intelligence Academy Mihai Viteazul.

“This project is based on full respect for diversity and fundamental rights,” says the Euro-Arab Executive Secretary. “From our experience with international cooperation and the ties that unite us with the Arab world, we will work to address the internal security priorities of these third countries in complete synergy and collaboration with European needs, without forgetting the importance of communication and the dissemination of knowledge,” adds Sánchez.

Congresses/ Conferences Cultural Action Institutional Relations News Projects Research

We participate in the round table on Islamophobia organised by the Qatari government in Doha

The Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo, is travelling to Doha to participate in the roundtable ‘Combating Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: New Grounds for Understanding and Policy’, a conference that will take place on 9-10 June in the Qatari capital and has been organised by the Department of Policy Planning of the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The conference will be divided into six sessions, with the first and second sessions exploring current narratives of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and questioning how they should be addressed. The third session will address the challenges facing the media in the fight against racism.

The second day of the conference will open with the fourth session dedicated to the opportunities and perspectives of the fight against Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in history, art, society and culture, where the Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Arabist and Doctor in the History of Al-Andalus from the University of Granada, will speak.

This will be followed by the fifth session, which will address the intersection between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism from geopolitical and historical perspectives, and will end with a concluding debate that will explore new joint approaches and the way forward.

Chair of Islamic Civilisation and Renewal of Religious Thought Cooperation News

FIMAM abre el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones

En su XXVI edición, el Foro de Investigación sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán (FIMAM), en el que colabora la Fundación Euroárabe, abre el plazo de presentación de comunicaciones para su próximo encuentro que tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Alicante, del 16 al 18 de octubre de este año.

La fecha límite para la recepción de los resúmenes de las comunicaciones, de un máximo de 300 palabras, es el 31 de mayo de 2024. Para más detalles sobre la información que se debe incluir en las propuestas y las áreas temáticas que se abordarán, se puede consultar la web del congreso

Al igual que en las ediciones anteriores, la 26º reunión del FIMAM será este año un encuentro entre investigadoras e investigadores de toda España, abierto también a otros países.

En él se podrán presentar investigaciones acabadas, en curso o en fase inicial dedicadas a los estudios árabes e islámicos contemporáneos a partir de las ciencias sociales y de los estudios culturales. Se organizará una mesa para la presentación de los proyectos de tesis en fase inicial, con el objetivo de recibir opiniones y consejos de los miembros más veteranos. El congreso se desarrollará de manera presencial en la Universidad de Alicante. Los paneles se celebrarán principalmente en español, pero se podrán considerar intervenciones en otros idiomas (inglés, francés).

Como novedad este año, se ofrece la posibilidad de publicar los textos presentados en el encuentro en tres posibles publicaciones: un libro sobre cuestiones de género en una editorial de prestigio a determinar (en colaboración con Fundación Euroárabe); en la revista Awraq (en colaboración con Casa Árabe); y un libro con la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (en colaboración con el IEMed).


FIMAM es una iniciativa de cooperación científica e información temática en torno al mundo árabe y musulmán que agrupa a una parte importante del panorama investigador español sobre estas cuestiones, con la participación de profesores, investigadores y expertos de universidades y centros de investigación de España y otros países. Desde su fundación, en 1995, se realiza un encuentro anual con el fin de construir una red de intercambio de información.

Como novedad este año, se ofrece la posibilidad de publicar los textos presentados en el encuentro en tres posibles publicaciones: la revista Awraq (en colaboración con Casa Árabe); un libro con la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (en colaboración con el IEMed); o un libro sobre cuestiones de género en otra editorial de prestigio a determinar (en colaboración con Fundación Euroárabe). Las instrucciones de publicación están en los precedentes enlaces, sin perjuicio de que posteriormente se ofrezcan más detalles. A la hora de rellenar el formulario de inscripción, se debe indicar el interés en publicar en una de esas opciones.

Más información sobre este Encuentro en la web del FIMAM.

Cultural Action Culture International Chair in Culture News

Amazigh Music & Poetry

On Thursday 9 May, the Euro-Arab Foundation presents the concert ‘Amazigh Music and Poetry’ with the groups Yuba and Band (Morocco-Germany) and Mawlid Guembri by Antonio Arias and Ramón Rodríguez (Granada).

Thursday 9 May, at 6.30 p.m., at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation.

Access to the concert by invitation, which can be requested at: or by WhatsApp 635048584

This concert, presented by the group Yuba & Band (Morocco and Germany) and the group Mawlid Guembri of Antonio Arias and Ramón Rodríguez (Granada), is an invitation to return to the roots of one of the ancient musics of the Mediterranean, Amazigh music. This poetic musical proposal aims to discover the common ground between the music, melodies, songs and instruments of the two shores of the Mediterranean.

This event will feature the intervention of Hind Haik, who will recite Amazigh poetry translated into Spanish.

This activity is part of the programme of the International Chair of Amazigh Culture, created by the Euro-Arab Foundation with the sponsorship of the Dr. Leila Mezian Foundation of Morocco.

Books Presentations Cultural Action News Publications

Presentation of the book ‘La España diversa’ (Diverse Spain) by Eduardo Manzano

The Euro-Arab Foundation presents the new book by Eduardo Manzano Moreno, ‘La España diversa. Keys to a plural history’, a book to understand the keys to the diverse past of Spain’s history. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 p.m., at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters, with a presentation by the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo.

Presentation: Tuesday, May 7, at 18:00h, at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters.

Published by Critica, the history of Spain is the history of a changing past, paradoxical and inaccessible to simplification, whose richness and complexity recovers its centrality in this book. Faced with interested essentialist readings and ideological battles for the narrative that abound today, Eduardo Manzano proposes a passionate and exciting journey to rediscover this legacy in the form of a mosaic of identities, cultures, territories, languages and civilisations. From Roman Hispania to the race for the Indies, from Muslim Al-Andalus to the Transition and from Jewish Sepharad to Bourbon unification, the keys to a plural, provocative, documented and ironic history are offered.

With a powerful narrative, far removed from academic language and not lacking in irony, España diversa not only strips our history of clichés, but also teaches us that it is change, and not the maintenance of essences, that characterises us.


Spanish historian specialising in Al-Andalus, with a PhD in Medieval History from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies (School of Oriental and African Studies) from the University of London. Research Professor at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales of the CSIC, of which he was director between 2006 and 2012. He has been a visiting researcher at St. Johns College of the University of London.

Presentación del libro 'La España diversa' de Eduardo Manzano
News Projects

The PARTES consortium meets in Brussels to exchange achievements and learnings

The entities associated in PARTES, the European project that seeks to protect places of worship, met on April 22nd and 23rd in Brussels in order to share the lessons learned and achievements reached so far.

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies is part of it and its researcher, José Luis Salido Medina, coordinated the PARTES Conference held in Melilla in March, which brought together representatives of different religious confessions.

José Luis Salido, our reasearcher, attended both, the workshop on April 22, and the Steering Committee on the 23rd. The workshop discussed the current challenges and issues that places of worship are facing. It also addressed the importance of bridging the communication gaps that may exist between the various religious communities and between them and the authorities.

On its part, the fourth meeting of the PARTES Steering Committee was held to evaluate the work of the project over the past four months, identify key issues for discussion and develop a collaborative plan for the coming months.

Currently, the PARTES consortium is compiling local communication and security strategies to protect places of worship in ten European Union countries.

If you want to know more about our projects you can visit our projects website

Cooperation Culture News

The Euro-Arab closes ties with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

The Euro-Arab Foundation, together with the universities of Almeria, Granada, Jaen, Alicante, Salamanca, Valladolid and San Jorge, were part of the Spanish delegation that travelled to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in April. This trip included an interesting and very full agenda of visits to two countries that are of great interest to Spain in terms of the possibility of expanding both academic and scientific cooperation with them. The trip was organised by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education.

The Euro-Arab Foundation, represented by Antonio Sánchez Ortega, Executive Secretary of the Granada-based institution, was part of this Spanish delegation, which had a busy and very interesting agenda with the universities of Samarkand and Tashkent in Uzbekistan and Almaty and Astana in Kazakhstan.

Collaboration agreement with the Uzbek institute Kamoliddin Behzod

For the Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, “this trip and the contacts made during it have been highly interesting, among them we should highlight the one with the National Institute of Fine Art and Design (Kamoliddin Behzod), with which the Euro-Arab Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding”. This collaboration framework, signed by Antonio Sánchez, on behalf of the Euro-Arab Foundation, and Abbosjon Mirzorahimov, rector of this university, “offers a framework of institutional cooperation for cultural exchange and development of collaborative projects in the field of the culture of understanding and diversity”, as Sánchez pointed out.