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Euro-Arab Publications


The Euro-Arab Foundation presents the new book by Eduardo Manzano Moreno, ‘La España diversa. Keys to a plural history’, a book to understand the keys to the diverse past of Spain’s history. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 p.m., at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s headquarters, with

As part of the Granada Book Fair, on Wednesday 24 April, the Euro-Arab Foundation and the UGR Publishing House presented the book ‘Dynamics of Protests in the Arab World’. ‘Protest Dynamics in the Arab World: Challenging Authoritarian Regimes’ takes a comprehensive approach to protest as a form of unconventional political

Once again this year, the Euro-Arab Foundation is participating in the 42nd Granada Book Fair with different activities, book presentations, workshop and a meeting of our book club Kutub. Events organised by Euro-Arabia at the FAIR MONDAY, 22.- 20:30h / GRANADA Pavilion – Presentation of the book ‘The Blue Sunflower’

Presentation of the book "Los nuevos derechos sociales fundamentales: Una propuesta de reforma constitucional" by Diego López Garrido, Professor of Constitutional Law and Executive Vice-President of the Fundación Alternativas. fundamental social rights'.