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Exhibition “A Shelter for Refugees in Atalbeitar. An Opportunity for Peace”

Exhibition “A Shelter for Refugees in Atalbeitar. An Opportunity for Peace”.

The Exhibition is coordinated by Francisco del Corral and Miguel Martinez, Professors at the University of Granada. During a whole week, from 17 to 25 May, 2016, the Exhibition displays different projects carried out by students of Architectural Projects 2 of the Superior Technical School of Architecture of the University of Granada.

The exhibition displays several projects belonging to Thi Thanh Nguyen Binh, Laura Pastor Rodriguez, Paula Garcia Cerpa, Maria del Mar Acosta, Lourdes Durban, Salome Ruiz Gomez, Gerardo Peregrin, Cornelia Laule, Lena Jaeger, Laura Munoz Gonzalez, Ana Mateos Terron, Antonio Conde Garrido and Maria del Pilar Jimenez Garcia.

The Exhibition is organized by the University of Granada(link is external)the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Granada(link is external)the University Institute of Peace and Conflict Research(link is external)the Department of Semitic Studies(link is external)the Provincial Council of Granada – Provincial Tourism Board of Granada(link is external) and the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies.

Period of Exhibition:

  • From 17 to 25 May, 2016.
  • Visiting hours: From Monday to Thursday, from 09h00 to 14h00 and from 17h00 to 20h00. Friday only during morning, from 09h00 to 14h00.

Esta exposición se enmarca en la II Jornadas sobre Interculturalidad y Paz a través de la arquitectura(link is external), que se celebran en Granada en el mes de mayo bajo el lema ‘Abordando la injusticia espacial. Estrategias y herramientas de proyecto’.