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FIRST-LINE-PRACTITIONERS, a web platform to improve the fight against radicalization, terrorism and organized crime

You can now consult the online platform firstlinepractitioners(link is external), a tool developed by ‘TAKEDOWN’, the project funded with more than three million euros by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission(link is external). This project aims to enhance the work of practitioners working to prevent and combat violent extremism, terrorism and organised crime.

The platform Firstlinepractitioners(link is external), now only available in English, has been designed to provide the latest information and knowledgepractical recommendations and support tools for those professionals who play a key role in preventing and identifying radicalisation, terrorist activities and organised crime. EThese can be teachers, social workers, educators, psychologists or police officers.

This platform is also a training space thanks to registered experts and institutions offering courses on radicalisation and prevention.

Would you like to offer your expertise? Register now if you are an expert(link is external) or an institution(link is external)!

The platform firslinepractioners has been presented last June 2019 during the closing conference of the TAKEDOWN project“New Approaches for Fighting Radicalization, Terrorism and Organized Crime”, held in Valencia. 

The ‘TAKEDOWN'(link is external) project will close its activity in August 2019, after three years of research on social, psychological and economic aspects of terrorism and organized crime, as well as their impact on social cohesion.

Led by the Austrian company “SYNYO GmbH”, the TAKEDOWN consortium is made up by other 17 organizations from 12 countries.

The Euro-Arab Foundation, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Valencia City Council are the Spanish organisations involved in this project.

The other institutions are from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom, Romania and Switzerland.

TAKEDOWN is funded by Horizon 2020, the EU Research and Innovation programme.