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Euro-Arab Foundation Statutes



Foundation Institution

Article 1.- Denomination

Under the name FUNDACIÓN EUROÁRABE DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS, a private foundation of an educational, research and cultural nature, permanent and statewide, is constituted, which will be governed according to the provisions of Article 5 of these Statutes, under the protectorate of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Article 2- Legal Capacity

The Foundation, once registered in the Registry, has its own legal personality for the fulfillment of its purposes and full legal capacity to act in accordance with the rules by which it is governed, with no other limitations than those expressly established by the legal provisions applicable to it and by these Bylaws.

Article 3.- Headquarters

The registered address of the Foundation is established in the building located at Calle San Jerónimo, number 27 in the city of Granada. The Board of Trustees may agree to establish delegations anywhere in Spain and abroad, giving notice of their creation to the Protectorate, as well as to abolish them.

Article 4.- Duration

The Foundation is born with a vocation of permanence. However, should it be considered at any time that the aims of the Foundation could be considered fulfilled or become impossible to fulfill, or should any of the other causes foreseen in art. 31 of Law 50/2002 occur, the Board of Trustees may agree to its extinction, in accordance with the provisions of art. 32 of the aforementioned Law, under the terms foreseen in art. 38 of these Bylaws.

Article 5.- Regulatory Regime 

The Foundation shall be governed by the will of the founders expressed in the founding act, by these Bylaws, by the provisions established by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and approved by the Protectorate, and by the provisions of Law 50/2002, and also, in general, by those contained in the civil and administrative legal system in force at any given time.


Object, purposes and beneficiaries

Article 6.- Object

The FUNDACIÓN EUROÁRABE DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS aims to promote cultural and economic relations between Europe and the Arab world through the dissemination at its headquarters of scientific and humanistic knowledge originating in universities and other centers of scientific research or artistic creation, both Spanish and from other countries, thus contributing to the strengthening of dialogue between Arab States and Member States of the European Union, for which it may promote studies and research, platforms and forums for exhibition, discussion and debate.

The following specific purposes, which are included in the general object, are set out in a non-exclusive manner:


To contribute to the training of specialists and research in the various fields of applied knowledge that are most useful for the development of the countries to which its activities are directed.


To contribute to the economic development of Arab countries through senior management training programs for Arab and European executives.


To encourage dialogue, exchange of ideas and experiences, and collaboration between scientific researchers and other intellectuals and creators.


To work to introduce in society the idea of respect for science and the values of tolerance, objectivity, independence and rigor.


The promotion of a Euro-Arab University as a center of cultural activities, dedicated to the dissemination of new currents and trends in the sciences and humanities, serving as a place of welcome for Arab and European undergraduate and graduate students, for exchange and dissemination of knowledge.

Article 7.- Beneficiaries

The Foundation shall provide sufficient information on its purposes and activities so that they may be known by its eventual beneficiaries and other interested parties.

The determination of the beneficiaries shall be made by the Board of Trustees with criteria of impartiality and non-discrimination according to the specific nature of each activity. However, when the very nature of the activities carried out makes it necessary to limit the number of beneficiaries, the determination and selection of beneficiaries shall be made on the basis of merit, capacity and the needs of the people who require the benefits or services that the Foundation may offer.