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International Congress ‘Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Arab World’

  • Presided by the Secretary General of Universities of the Junta de Andalucía, the Congress is celebrated in Granada, at the Euro-Arab Foundation, on March 28 and 29.
  • The Congress will feature prominent figures from Europe, Arab countries and America, such as Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Edgar Morin, Aziza Bennani or Stefano Allievi, among others.


The international conference ‘Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Arab World’ will be held in Granada, at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation, on 28 and 29 March, in which intellectuals, historians and researchers participate in cultural diversity issues , Immigration, citizenship and coexistence.

The Congress inaugurating the Secretary General of Universities of the Junta de Andalucía, Manuel Torralbo Rodríguez, will feature prominent figures such as the former director general of UNESCO and president of the Culture of Peace Foundation, Federico Mayor Zaragoza; the French philosopher and sociologist, Edgar Morin; the Moroccan diplomat and researcher, Aziza Bennani, the president of the Mominoun Foundation for Research and Studies, Yunis Qandil; the Italian intellectual, Stefano Allievi, or the Danish anthropologist, Tina Gudrun Jensen, among other thinkers and researchers from Europe, the Arab world and America.

The objective of this Congress, organized around 5 thematic axes, is to contribute to overcome the challenges that cultural diversity must face, through the study of models of management of this cultural diversity in different countries. The final aim of this scientific meeting is to create a space in which to exchange experiences and knowledge that allow to add new ideas and practices to the debate.

This Congress is part of the activities carried out annually by the Chair of Studies on Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought, created by the Euro-Arab Higher Education Foundation and the Mominoun Foundation for Studies and Research, with the collaboration of the University of Granada and the Foundation Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Granada.

For more information about the Conference