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‘ISLAMIC SOCIETIES’. Inauguration of the Exhibition by Juan Alberto Casado


Photographic Exhibition by Juan Alberto Casado

30 photographs

15 countries

1 objective: Bring Cultures Closer

In an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, the urgent need to learn how to coexist in an intercultural society is more and more hastened. Hence, knowing the ‘other’ becomes an indispensable issue as a previous step towards understanding him, tolerating him and engaging him in our societies, together with interacting with him towards a more just and egalitarian world.


Juan Alberto Casado graduated in Communication Sciences and holds a Master’s Degree of Culture of Peace, Conflicts, Education and Human Rights from the University of Malaga. Casado is a photographer, a writer with a critical spirit, a fan of movement and change, as well as a traveler with a constant desire of abandoning the darkness of ignorance.

Juan Alberto Casado started ‘The Road Provides’ project approximately three years ago. This project is aimed mainly at the issue of social awareness which has evolved until converting into an antidote to intolerance, injustice, xenophobia, racism and the constant fear of the unknown. In this globalized world in which we live, promoting this kind of projects becomes an essential task for strengthening the Culture of Peace, as well as our common future.

The author has spent much time during the last 4 years crossing unknown parts of the planet, scarcely recommended according to some. Among the 54 countries which he visited (including Palestine, Kurdistan, Tibet and French Guiana), he was particularly interested in those who had a majority presence of Muslim believers. 


The current exhibition offers images relating stories that call on us to reflect on our prejudices and preconceived ideas, showing that human beings share, above all, a set of universal values, like, for example, the pursuit of happiness, love, friendship and peace.

In an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, the urgent need to learn how to coexist in an intercultural society is more and more hastened. Hence, knowing the ‘other’ becomes an indispensable issue as a previous step towards understanding him, tolerating him and engaging him in our societies, together with interacting with him towards a more just and egalitarian world.

This mission faces the eternal obstacle of fear. Those fears sheltered by ignorance, nurtured by myths and rumors, and whipped up by mass media. With current phenomena like immigration, refugee exodus and international terrorism, it is necessary to analyze the exaggerated bad press which nurtures our Eurocentric imaginary against some Muslim countries and societies in order to contrast this information with real facts.

Hence, the exhibition is born out of this vital necessity. With these photographs, the author brings closer small corners which represent Muslim cultures and societies, daily moments, games and professions, little kids and elderly people, with the idea of bringing closer a more realistic image that promotes rapprochement between cultures.

Exhibition period:

  • From 11 until 26 February, 2016.
  • Schedule: From Monday to Thursday from 09h00 to 14h00 and from 17h00 to 20h00. Friday only mornings.