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“Lions of the Tripoli Brigade. Chronicles of the Fight Against Gaddafi”

Housam “Sam” Najjair was born in Dublin to an Irish mother and a Libyan father. In June, 2011, when the civil war began to devastate his father’s homeland, Sam left Ireland and headed to Libya —through Tunisia— in order to join the uprising against Gaddafi.

Lions of the Tripoli Brigade is about the story of his trip to Libya starting from his arrival to that country, where he spent two weeks training in the mountains before heading to Tripoli.

On August, 20, Sam and the well known Tripoli  Brigade —a unit of the National Liberation Army of Libya— were the first revolutionaries to enter the city and, consequently, secure the Martyrs’ Square. Meetings with representatives from the NATO, arms dealing, covert operations, death of a very close friend or the capture of a women hijacker… All of these are moments within the impressive story of a young Libyan-Irish revolutionary boy who becomes a commanding officer of the unit of the Libyan National Liberation Army, an unforgettable story about a summer that freed a country and transformed a young man.


Housam “Sam” Najjair was born in Dublin to an Irish mother and a Libyan father. In June, 2011, when the civil war began to devastate his father’s homeland, Sam left Ireland and headed to Libya —through Tunisia— in order to join the uprising against Gaddafi. Lions of the Tripoli Brigade is about the story of his trip to Libya starting from his arrival to that country, where he spent two weeks training in the mountains before heading to Tripoli. On August, 20, Sam and the well known Tripoli Brigade —a unit of the National Liberation Army of Libya— were the first revolutionaries to enter the city and, consequently, secure the Martyrs’ Square. Meetings with representatives from the NATO, arms dealing, covert operations, death of a very close friend or the capture of a women hijacker… All of these are moments within the impressive story of a young Libyan-Irish revolutionary boy who becomes a commanding officer of the unit of the Libyan National Liberation Army, an unforgettable story about a summer that freed a country and transformed a young man.