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María Inmaculada Ramos, new executive secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation

The Board of Trustees of the Euro-Arab Foundation has appointed María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Granada, as the new Executive Secretary of this institution.

Born in Quart de Poblet (Valencia), María Inmaculada Ramos Tapia has held the positions of Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Law (2000-2003); Director of the International Relations and Projects Secretariat (2003-2007) and Deputy Secretary General of the University of Granada (2015-2019). In other areas of management, she has been Director General of Universities of the Government of Andalusia (2019-2020).

Graduated in Law with an extraordinary award from the University of Granada, she obtained a grant for University Teacher Training (FPU) to carry out her doctoral thesis, which she completed in 1998 with an extraordinary doctoral award. After a two-year postdoctoral stay at the Max Planck Institute for Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany (1998-2000), she returned to the University of Granada as an assistant lecturer, obtaining the position of Full Professor in 2003.

An extensive teaching and research career

As a lecturer, she has taught numerous undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral courses at the University of Granada and as a guest lecturer at other Spanish and foreign universities, such as the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Argentina or the University of Bayreuth in Germany. She has participated in various teaching innovation projects and has published Manuals and Lessons in Criminal Law.

As a researcher, she has participated in numerous regional, national, and European research projects. She is currently a member of the National R&D Plan project “Analysis of legislative proposals to combat modern slavery and due diligence obligations of companies in Spain (APROES)” (2023-2026). She has been the principal investigator of the National R&D&I Plan project “Grey areas of female slavery: domestic service, prostitution, forced marriages and child labour” (2015-2018).

Her lines of research focus on European Union Criminal Law, crimes against sexual freedom, and labour crimes.

She has carried out research stays in Germany (Universities of Bayreuth and Munich and Max-Planck-Institute in Freiburg), Ireland (University College Dublin), and the United Kingdom (Queen’s University Belfast). She is a member of the national association Grupo de Estudios de Política Criminal and the Ibero-American Research Network on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and Human Rights.

Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies

The Euro-Arab Foundation is governed by a joint board of trustees made up of the Ministry of Universities, the Government of Andalusia, and the University of Granada. The presidency of the Board of Trustees is held by the head of the Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Universities.

Through its activities, the Euro-Arab Foundation dedicates all its efforts to the promotion of Euro-Arab cooperation, encouraging academic, social, and cultural activities, as well as the dissemination of new trends and tendencies in the sciences and humanities. Its work in the development of research and transfer programmes and activities aimed at promoting democratic rights and values, peaceful coexistence, and social cohesion by highlighting the richness of diversity, equality, processes of social inclusion and integration, and the defence of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups.