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Presentation of the book ‘The New Fundamental Social Rights’

'Los nuevos derechos sociales fundamentales'

Presentation of the book “Los nuevos derechos sociales fundamentales: Una propuesta de reforma constitucional” by Diego López Garrido, Professor of Constitutional Law and Executive Vice-President of the Fundación Alternativas.
fundamental social rights’.

Monday 22 April, at 6 p.m. at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation.

The presentation will be given by Professor of Constitutional Law, Diego López Garrido, Executive Vice-President of the Alternativas Foundation.


In the 21st century, the imbalance between the proclamation of the social state as an essential democratic aspiration and the vacuum or absence of sufficient legal guarantees to fill it with content and prevent setbacks is unsustainable. And this applies to the highest-ranking norms, the constitutional norms. We must start with them.

Hence the proposal made in this paper for a reform of the Spanish Constitution to make five specific social rights into genuine fundamental rights. These are: the right to health; the right to an adequate pension; the right to the environment; the right to access to housing; and the right to the protection of personal data.

Presentación del libro Los nuevos derechos sociales
Un momento de la presentación del libro por Diego López Garrido en la Euroárabe


Yolanda Gómez Sánchez – Professor of Constitutional Law Jean Monnet Chair, ad personam UNED.
Diego López Garrido – Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Legal advisor to the Spanish Parliament, Executive Vice-President of the Fundación Alternativas.
María Mercedes Serrano Pérez – Professor of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law-Albacete, University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Paulo Ramón Suárez Xavier – Professor at the University of Seville.
Elviro Aranda Álvarez – Professor of Constitutional Law. Carlos III University of Madrid
María Luz Martínez Alarcón – Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Castilla-La Mancha
Antoni Farriols Solá – Computer Applications Analyst.
Mª Celia Fernández Aller – Lecturer in Computer Systems Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.