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Research & Projects

To find out more about the projects developed by the Euro-Arab Foundation, please visit the following website https:


The research and projects department of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, focuses on the development of research and transfer programs and activities aimed at promoting democratic rights and values, peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, valuing wealth. diversity, the processes of inclusion and social integration or the defense of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups. The gender dimension is incorporated as a transversal aspect in all our activities.

Associations and collaborative work with different institutions and organizations, both public and private, and multidisciplinary approaches are a substantial part of our work that focus on two main lines of research:

1.- Research in Societies, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Migrations. This area focuses on the study of three basic aspects of increasingly globalized societies in which various inequalities and frictions are manifested:

  • Respect and protection of human rights.
  • The necessary attention to cultural diversity and the challenges it poses for promotion.
  • The different manifestations of the migratory phenomenon.

2.- Research on Radicalization, Prevention and Security. This area focuses on the study and understanding of violent radicalization processes and their various manifestations and implications, and de-radicalization processes:

  • Preventing and fighting violent radicalization.
  • Risk and vulnerability analysis in security matters.
  • Possible relationships between terrorism and organized crime.
  • Analysis of the processes of disengagement and de-radicalization.

The OSINT-RADAR and INTERCEPTED Projects are jointly organizing a seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings which will take place on September 19th and will be offered in a blended format, allowing for both in-person attendance in Tirana, Albania, and virtual participation online. Trafficking in Human Beings remains a persistent global

The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 with the aim of raising awareness of the plight of victims of human trafficking. This year’s global campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against

The Euro-Arab Foundation will participate in the new research and strategic communication platform, which aims to support the implementation of actions to curb radicalisation, through the prism of the defence of human rights. The European Commission has just consolidated one of the most complex projects in the field of prevention

The Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo, is travelling to Doha to participate in the roundtable ‘Combating Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: New Grounds for Understanding and Policy’, a conference that will take place on 9-10 June in the Qatari capital and has been organised by the

In the framework of the European project IN2PREV, the Euro-Arab Foundation has explained to the participating social entities the mentoring pilot project in which they can participate and whose aim is to achieve the successful inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Spain.
Las entidades asociadas en PARTES, el proyecto europeo que busca proteger los lugares de culto, se reunió el 22 y 23 de abril en Bruselas con el fin de poner en común los aprendizajes y logros alcanzados hasta el momento.
The Euro-Arab Foundation organises the Seminar 'Trends and Scenarios of Global Terrorism'.

The meeting of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission brings together more than 100 coordinators of projects financed by this department with the aim of promoting justice in the European Union. On 16 and 17 April, the European Commission is bringing together in Brussels the coordinators

The European project ‘SHIELD’ has concluded with the publication of a guide to reducing threats to places of worship from violence and terrorist attacks. Synagogues, churches and mosques are of vital importance for social coexistence and cohesion in the European Union; however, they have been, and can become, targets of

On 28 February, the final conference of the European SHIELD project took place in Brussels with the presentation of the results as a formula for coexistence between people of different faiths.
The Center for Andalusian Studies and the Euro-Arab Foundation will work to combat hate speech in a common European project

Participatory approaches to the protection of places of worship is the title given to the forum hosted by the Government Delegation in Melilla on Thursday, organised by the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies in the framework of the PARTES project funded by the European Commission. The Government Delegate, Sabrina Moh,