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Research & Projects

To find out more about the projects developed by the Euro-Arab Foundation, please visit the following website https:


The research and projects department of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, focuses on the development of research and transfer programs and activities aimed at promoting democratic rights and values, peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, valuing wealth. diversity, the processes of inclusion and social integration or the defense of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups. The gender dimension is incorporated as a transversal aspect in all our activities.

Associations and collaborative work with different institutions and organizations, both public and private, and multidisciplinary approaches are a substantial part of our work that focus on two main lines of research:

1.- Research in Societies, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Migrations. This area focuses on the study of three basic aspects of increasingly globalized societies in which various inequalities and frictions are manifested:

  • Respect and protection of human rights.
  • The necessary attention to cultural diversity and the challenges it poses for promotion.
  • The different manifestations of the migratory phenomenon.

2.- Research on Radicalization, Prevention and Security. This area focuses on the study and understanding of violent radicalization processes and their various manifestations and implications, and de-radicalization processes:

  • Preventing and fighting violent radicalization.
  • Risk and vulnerability analysis in security matters.
  • Possible relationships between terrorism and organized crime.
  • Analysis of the processes of disengagement and de-radicalization.
Euro-Arab Foundation participates in a new project to develop VR skills of vocational training students in Albania
During these two days, Wednesday and Thursday, participants will reflect on the historical precedents and tools for reformulating Europe's new role in a particularly turbulent international context.
This week, the seminar organised by the European project STAND UP - 'Fighting Hate in the EU', in which the Euro-Arab Foundation is participating, is being held at the European Parliament (Brussels).
Today and tomorrow, the consortium meeting of the European PERCEPTIONS project is held at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation: "Understanding the Impact of new technologies and social networks on perceptions of Europe in foreign countries" with the participation of around thirty representatives of the 25 institutions and organizations that
An important work agenda will begin this morning in the Euroarab Foundation headquarters. This seminar will take place today and tomorrow, on the 10th and 11th of may 2022, carried out by the consortium of two European projects in which Euroarab Foundation is participating. Those projects are BIGOSINT and STAND-UP.
The virtual training on the European Investigation Order in Criminal Matters (EIO), part of the SAT LAW project, will be attended by both Spanish professionals present at the Euro-Arab Foundation and their Italian counterparts, who will solve in real time practical cases related to the EIO from their country.
ARMOUR started in 2019 with the aim that professionals and future professionals who work with children and young people, aged 10 and 18 years old, know how to prevent, detect and intervene on possible cases of radicalization and violent extremism in educational centers, social centers and other entities where minors are worked.
The international Conference on “Global Impact of COVID-19 on Violent Extremism” organized by the Euro-Arab Foundation, Hedayah and the International Center of Excellence to Counter Violent Extremism and the United Nations Office Against Terrorism (UNOCT) will be held next Thursday, April 22.
This project has been conducted by the Euroarab Fountation under the sponsorship of Granada City Council
The Euro-Arab Foundation is part of the European research Project PERCEPTIONS' consortium (Understand the Impact of Novel Technologies and Social Media on Perceptions of Europe in Countries abroad)
On 6 and 7 May, the Euro-Arab Foundation hosted at its headquarters in Granada, a meeting with the partners of the MI-ICT project (ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration), funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. This research project seeks to improve the access of migrants and
The Euro-Arab Foundation and the Agrupación de los Cuerpos de la Administración de Instituciones Penitenciarias (ACAIP) are organising a new training programme on violent radicalisation this coming 27 March. This training, which takes places within the framework of the European research project TRAINING AID, is open to professionals from different