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SYMPOSIUM MIICT.ICT / Enabled Public Services for Migration

The symposium has been developed on november 13th, and its aim is to explore a diverse set of themes connected to the overall objetives of the MIICT project. This is reflected by our speakers who cover issues related to migrant integration from a number of disciplinary perspectives.

These include the role of ICT and technology, policy on migrant welfare access, labour market integration, and migrant identity; reflecting the ambitious scope and interdisciplinarity of the MIICT project.

MIICT (ICT Enabled Services for Migration) was conceived with the goal of designing, developing and deploying tools that address the challenge of migrant integration. In service of this goal, the project undertakes to co-create improved ICT- enabled services with migrants, refugees, public sector services, NGOs (Non-Governmental- Organisations) and other interest groups. By involving research-users at the centre of our approach we address the need to improve and customise the interfaces used to access key public services so that they better address the requirements of migrants and refugees.

To achieve this MIICT has undertaken the development of a system to capture the specific socio-cultural, economic and legal contexts of migrants; information that can be shared with public authorities. In order to promote inclusion and reduce the potential for discrimination and bias, the system acts as a firewall, meaning only information pertinent to the specific task of the public authority is visible, removing elements such as gender, ethnicity and age in circumstances where they have no relevance, removing opportunities for discrimination and unconscious bias.