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Final phase of the Euro-Arab Diploma in Non-Profit Organizations Management 2023

The Euro-Arab Diploma in non-profit organizations (NPO) Management aims to improve the capacity of students in the development of social services carried out by their organizations, through the transfer of good practices, knowledge of the changes to be adopted in management as well as the design of social programs and identification of institutional weaknesses they may have in their organizations.

This training is aimed at management and technical staff of third sector organisations in the Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Yemen).

This new edition started this morning with the intervention of the Director of Cooperation of Euro-Arab, Hassan Laaguir, coordinator of the Diploma, followed by the lectures of José Luis Villena Higueras, Faculty of Education Sciences, who dealt with the subject of “Human capital: axis of the management of organisations for society”.

The second lecture was given by Paloma Medina Rivas, Director of Environmental Management of the Granada City Council, who focused her presentation on “Quality management in NPOs”.

With an extensive theoretical and practical programme, the Euro-Arab Diploma in NPO Management is offered in both on-site and online formats. The training programme comprises five face-to-face seminars held in the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, and the sixth and last one in Granada at the Euro-Arab Foundation.

This last phase of the training allows students to learn first-hand about the work of third sector organisations as well as to attend a programme of master classes given by experts from the academic and organisational spheres. The Diploma concludes with the presentation of the final Diploma work.

Since the Diploma was launched in 2015, men and women from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Yemen and Kuwait have taken the course.

All of them have improved considerably in their professional careers, and their training has had an impact on a better position in their organisations, public administration or in the creation of new social entities in their respective countries.



Monday 13th November

8:30. 8:55. Presentation of the course programme and instructions for students.

Hassan Laaguir. Diploma Coordinator. Director of Cooperation, Euro-Arab Foundation.

José Luis Villena Higueras. Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Granada

9:00 – 10:30h. Introduction to development and associativism in Spain

Hassan Laaguir. Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies

11:00 – 12:00. Human capital: the axis of the management of organisations for society

José Luis Villena Higueras. Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Granada.

12:00 – 13:30. Quality management in NPOs

Paloma Medina Rivas. Director of Environmental Management. Granada City Council.

15:30 -18:00. Visit to the Alhambra

Tuesday 14th

08:30 – 10:30.- Spanish Red Cross Case.

Luis Felipe Jiménez. Training Technician of the Granada Red Cross.

11:00 -14:00. – Transfer and visit to the CATI of the Red Cross (Centre of Reception and Temporary Attention to the Immigrant) of Granada (visit to the working place located in Calle Poetisa Handuna).

ARDE. Preparation of Friday presentations by groups

Wednesday 15th

08:30 – 09:15.

Visit to the Rectorate and Library

09:30 – 13:00

Workshop: Strategic planning for NPOs. Daniel Sean Herrera. Open University of Catalonia. Barcelona

13:00 – 14:00.

Intersolidarity: true social innovation. José Luis Villena Higueras. Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Granada

AFTERNOON. Preparation of Friday’s presentations by groups

Thursday 16th

Case of ILUNION (Social Initiative of the ONCE)

08:30 – 09:00. General presentation of ONCE with Carmen Aguilera, Director of ONCE in Granada and Piedad Joyera, Territorial Councillor of ONCE in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla.

09:00-10:00. ILUNION Initiative – Lorena Alcántara Pérez and Nerea García López (ILUNION Initiative)

10:30-11:30. ILUNION Initiative. Second part

Lorena Alcántara Pérez; Nerea García López and Bartolomé Carlos Muñoz Ochoa (ILUNION Initiative).

11:30-13:30. Transfer and visit to one of the 480 ILUNION work centres in Spain.

Friday 17th

8:30-10:10. Presentation of the presentations of the 5 groups of students.

José Luis Villena Higueras. Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Granada

10:45- 11:45. Closing conference.

“Just ecosocial transition: a possible and necessary utopia”. Carmen Lizarraga. University Lecturer and Coordinator of the Degree in Economics. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies.

12:00-13:00. Closing ceremony and presentation of diplomas.

Cultural Action

Round table “Anti-Zionist Jews and pro-Palestinian rights”.

This coming Wednesday, November 16, the Euro-Arab Foundation will host the round table “Anti-Zionist Jews and pro Palestinian rights” with the speeches of human rights activists, Yonathan Shapira, former military pilot of the Israeli army, and Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, educator, documentary filmmaker, co-founder and former president of “Zochrot”.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 16 November at 6 p.m., a round table will take place at the Euro-Arab Foundation (C/ San Jerónimo, 27) entitled
Round table “Anti-Zionist Jews and pro Palestinian people’s rights”.
and screening of a short documentary by Eitan Bronstein about the Nakba on Israel’s Independence Day.

With speeches by:

EITAN BRONSTEIN APARICIO, documentary educator. YONATHAN SHAPIRA, ex-military pilot in the Israeli army. Moderator: LUCIA LÓPEZ ARIAS, UGR researcher and specialist in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and author of several works on the subject.

Organised by: Department of Semitic Studies-UGR, Aly Tawfik and Department of Contemporary History of the University of Granada; Euro-Arab Foundation; FTI and BDS Granada.


The speakers are two Israeli citizen opponents and anti-Zionist activists who defend the rights of the Palestinian people in their land and denounce the systematic violence exercised by the State of Israel against the Palestinians. This panel discussion will address the difference between Judaism, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, educator, documentary filmmaker, co-founder and former president of “Zochrot”, the first Israeli NGO to address the issue of the historical memory of the Nakba (genocide disaster of the Palestinian people in 1948) from the perspective of universal justice and international law. He is also co-founder of “De-Colonizer”, an Artistic Research Laboratory, whose objectives include raising awareness in Israeli society for the recognition of the rights of the native Palestinian people in their land.

The second is Yonathan Shapira, a former military pilot in the Israeli army. In 2003, he wrote and signed a letter, which was signed by 27 other Israeli pilots, expressing their refusal to carry out bombing orders over the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As a result, he was expelled from the army and has since been a strong advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people and for holding the Israeli military chain of command accountable for its war crimes against the Palestinians.