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The Andalusian Audiovisual Exhibition from February until May

The Andalusian Audiovisual Foundation, the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the University of Granada, the Contemporary Culture Centre of the University of Granada, the Andalusia Film Library, the Granada Young Filmmakers Festival and Asfaan promote the VII Andalusian Audiovisual Exhibition (#yoveocineandaluz).

  • The exhibition will be held starting from February, 2, untill May, 10, 2016 at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies. A total of 15 audiovisual sessions will take place every Tuesday at 18h00.
  • Entrance is free untill seating capacity is reached.

Every Tuesday, a selection of documentaries, shorts and science fiction films will be projected at the Euro-Arab Foundation’s auditorium, representing a sample of the important audiovisual production of the Andalusian film industry.

  • You can download the Audiovisual Exhibition program from this page.
— Presentation of the Audiovisual Exhibition with Francisco Javier Gómez Pérez, Professor Faculty of Communication and Documentation; May Silva Ortega, Director Andalusian Audiovisual Foundation; Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, Executive Secretary Euro-Arab Foundation and Ricardo Anguita Cantero, Director Contemporary Culture Centre of the University of Granada.

The Audiovisual Exhibition presents a selection of documentaries , shorts and science fiction films which represent the important audiovisual production of the Andalusian film industry.

— A moment during the presentation of the Audiovisual Exhibition.

Documentaries, Feature and Short Films

During the Andalusian Audiovisual Exhibition taking place in Granada, 31 works will be screened, among which 15 are documentaries, 12 are shorts and 4 feature films. Among these films figure some famous ones in the spanish scene, for example, Caníbal by Manuel Martín Cuenca, shot in Granada and shown at the International Film Festival of San Sebastian, as well as at the International Film Festival of Toronto; The Extraordinary Tale by Laura Alvea and José F. Ortuño, awarded by the London Film Festival, the Festival du Film Espagnol de Toulouse, as well as the Madrid de Cine; or Patuchas, el hombre de los mil limones, awarded the Second Prize in Imagenera 2014.

Each session ends with the screening of a short film whose special duration and quality acquire every year more relevance among the public and, in this occasion you can see it on a big screen thanks to the Exhibition. The works that will be shown have achieved recognition through their participation in national and international festivals, as in the case of A propósito de NduguLa mujer y el agua and Mi ojo derecho.

It should be mentioned that the program hosts some tapes with Arabic themes, like El laberinto marroquíFondo Kati testigo del exilio ibérico en TombuctúLas luces de Defalé; and, Al-Mariya, Puerta del Levante.