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The CICOP International Awards are celebrated today in Alicante

The Euro-Arab Foundation has been chosen by members of the Jury of International Prizes awarded by the International Centre for Heritage Preservation Foundation (CICOP) among the “Cultural Heritage Dissemination, Communication and Education” category.

In its 10th Edition, the CICOP Foundation has awarded this prize to the Euro-Arab Foundation for its constant efforts in the study, intervention and recovery of the Euro-Arab Heritage by means of important disseminating work through different actions, publications and exhibitions that represent an exceptional, relevant and exemplary contribution to the field which corresponds to the Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The CICOP International Awards-giving ceremony will take place on February, 3 2016, at the University of Alicante, and will be chaired by the President of the Generalitat Valenciana and the President of the International Centre for Heritage Preservation Foundation.

The International Centre for Heritage Preservation Foundation (CICOP, Spain)(link is external)

The CICOP Foundation’s headquarters is located in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, in Tenerife. It was established as a private, cultural and nonprofit foundation set around the protection, preservation, restoration, management, promotion and enhancement of movable, immovable and intangible Cultural Heritage through solidarity and international cooperation for development. As well, it auspices the study, research, exchange, training and promotion of the methods, techniques, procedures, materials and protocols used in the restoration, rehabilitation, management and consolidation of cultural heritage, its use and enjoyment.