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The Euro-Arab Foundation and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Agadir sign a collaboration agreement

27th of July, 2015.- Ahmed Belkadi, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Agadir, and Hassan Laaguir, Cooperation Manager at the Euro-Arab Foundation, have signed the agreement within the framework of the international symposium on “The Amazigh University Studies” that took place on the 24th and 25th of July in the city of Tiznit, Morocco.

Signing of the collaboration agreement between the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Agadir and the Euro-Arab Foundation.

The symposium was organized by the Tayri n Wakal Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Morocco, the Royal Institute of the Amazigh Culture and the University of Agadir. Moreover, universities from France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Algeria and Morocco have participated in the event, showig the programs they run in that area which start from the training and the scientific research.

During the symposium, during which attendees were offered information about the situation of Berber studies in the universities of Europe and North Africa, Hassan Laguir, Cooperation Manager at the Euro-Arab Foundation, presented the International Chair of the Amazigh Culture, initiated this year by the Euro-Arab Foundation under the auspices of the Doctor Leila Mezian Foundation.