The seminar will take place on Monday 29 April at the Euro-Arab Foundation and will present to the public the Jihadist Terrorism Yearbook 2023, produced by the International Observatory for the Study of Terrorism (OIET), in which the Euro-Arab Foundation has participated.
On Monday, April 29th, the Euro-Arab Foundation presents the Seminar ‘Trends and Scenarios of Global Terrorism’.
The seminar will be opened by Antonio Sánchez Ortega, Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, and Carlos Igualada, Director of the International Observatory for Terrorism Studies (OIET), which has published the Yearbook.
Javier Ruipérez Canales, Director of the Department of Research and Projects of the Euro-Arab Foundation and Senior Researcher in the Area of Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, will begin the seminar with a presentation on Opportunities for the Prevention of Violent Extremism.
Afterwards, Carlos Igualada will present the Jihadist Terrorism Yearbook 2023, the most recent study on current trends, actors and challenges of global jihadism published by the OIET. Igualada was one of the coordinators of the report and will present the main data on jihadism at a global level, as well as the current situation of jihadism in Spain based on the fight against terrorism.
The third lecture will be given by Ana Aguilera, senior researcher at the OIET and coordinator of the Yearbook, who will speak on the Trends of Jihadism in West Africa in 2023. The seminar will be closed by Daniel F. Pérez García, researcher at the Euro-Arab Foundation specialising in the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism. Pérez will address Rehabilitation of women returnees from Syria and Iraq in the European Union.
These topics are covered in two chapters of this Yearbook, which also includes analyses of Jihadist activity in Southeast Asia, Jihadist propaganda in Europe, as well as mechanisms and resources for attending to the victims of Jihadist terrorism.
The seminar will begin on Monday 29 April at 5pm at the Euro-Arab Foundation in Calle San Jerónimo, 27, Granada.

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