FORO ANUAL DE GOBERNANZA. Granada, del 25 al 28 de septiembre, 2013.
El Director general de ARADO, Refat Alfaouri, ha señalado que la Gobernanza es una herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo de los pueblos.
En su intervencion en el Foro Anual sobre Gobernanza que se celebra en la Fundacion Euroarabe, Refat Alfaouri, Director general de ARADO (Arab Administrative Development Organization), ha manifestado que la consecución de la buena Gobernanza pasa ineludiblemente por la promulgación de textos normativos que vayan en este sentido.
Es preciso fijar objetivos precisos y viables con recursos humanos y financieros que permitan llevar a cabo esta transformación, ha dicho Refat Alfaouri, así como mantener una separación y equilibrio entre los poderes y propiciar una justicia independiente y honesta, eliminando la burocracia y la corrupción, ofreciendo servicios de calidad a la ciudadanía, efectivos y rápidos y que responda en todo momento a las necesidades que demanda los ciudadanos.
— El Director general de ARADO, Refat Alfaouri,acompañado por la Secretaria ejecutiva de la Fundacion Euroarabe, Pilar Aranda, durante la comparecencia con medios de comunicacion.
Para Alaouri, la Gobernanza pasa ineludiblemente por propiciar el apoyo a la sociedad civil y a su capacidad de llevar a acabo proyectos de desarrollo asi como velar por la participación de la ciudadania en lo local. A ello se sumaria segun Alfaouri, el respeto por los Derechos Humano y el estado de libertades, la transparencia de la administración y la importancia de elegir bien a los responsables de las administración, atendiendo en todo momento a su grado de competencia y capacitación.
El Director general de ARADO tambien se ha referido a la importancia de crear órganos de control para luchar contra la corrupción; el reparto y equilibrio de la riqueza y la creación de empleo, ‘lo mas importante en estos momentos para los jóvenes’. Alaouri ha manifestado que es preciso luchar contra el desempleo, propiciando el mayor numero de oportunidades que permita trabajos dignos y de calidad para la gente.
En su exposición Refat Alfaouri, ha dicho que algunos países árabes han dado pasos positivos y concretos en la consecución de las buenas practicas de Gobierno. En muchas ocasiones, ha añadido, motivados por las exigencias impuestas por organismos internacionales que han condicionado la ayuda y subvenciones a estos países, a las reformas que estos puedan adoptar en cuanto a practicas democráticas y de defensa de derechos humanos y libertades civiles. Esto ha propiciado los primeros cambios en el ámbito de la administración y en el económico.
— El Director general de ARADO saluda al Embajador de la Liga Arabe en España, Hassine Bouzid, en presencia de Pilar Aranda ….The general Director of ARADO, RefatAlfaouri, has stated that good Governance is key for the development of countries.
El Foro Anual de Gobernanza que se celebra en Granada, en la sede de la Fundacion Euroarabe del 25 al 28 de septiembre, reune a expertos de la administración publica y empresa privada de doce países árabes y de España. Este foro esta organizado por ARADO, Arab Administrative Development Organization de la Liga de Estados Árabes y la Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios y cuenta con representantes de Arabia Saudi, Bahrein, Egipto, Iraq, Jordania, Qatar, Kuwait, Libia, Omán, Palestina, Sudán y Yemen.
— Annual Forum of Governance, Granada, September 25, 2013
The general Director of ARADO, Refat Alfaouri, has stated that good Governance is key for the development of countries.
During his speech given at the Annual Forum of governance that was celebrated at the FundacionEuroarabe, RefatAlfaouri, Director General of ARADO (Arab Administrative Development Organization), has stated that the good Governance has lots to do with normative texts that could be related to a good Governance.
It is imperative to dictate firm and viable objectives with cooperation of human and financial resources to be able to transform to good Governance, said RefatAlfaouri. It is also important to maintain a balance and separation between the powers, promoting an independent and honest justice eliminating bureaucracy and corruption. Trying to offer quality public services to citizens that are effective and quick that at all moments respond to the necessities of citizens.
For Alaouri, Governance entitles promoting support to civil society and that it must have capacity to take into action development projects, seeking to get the citizenry more involved in local politics. Adding to that, Akfaouri stated that a good governance must have respect for Human rights, transparency in the State and in the administration of it, and the importance of electing responsible, well prepared candidates that will prove to be competent and have the capacity to govern adequately.
The Director general of Arado also made a reference to the importance of creating institutions that shall control and fight corruption, the distribution and balance of wealth, and the creation of new job opportunities for citizens, which according to him is the most important subject for the youth. He has declared that it is critical for governments to fight unemployment, searching for worthy and quality job opportunities for its citizens.
While Refat Alfaouri was giving his speech he has declared that certain Arab countries have made some positive and concrete advancements as a consequence of the good Governance. In many occasions, he said, these improvements have occurred due to the pressured many of these countries experience by the international entities that have conditioned their help and their subsidies, forcing them to reform certain aspects regarding democratic practices, the protection and defense of human rights and civil liberties. This pressure that Arab countries are experimenting from the International community has forced them to modify certain policies that have consequently produced changes in the administration of the government and the economical policies.
The Annual Forum of Governance is celebrated in Granada at the FundacionEuroarabe, which takes place from September 25 to September 28. It reunites experts of public administration and private enterprise that come from 12 Arab countries and Spain. This forum is organized by ARADO, Arab Administrative Development Organization from the League of Arab countries and the FundacionEuroarabe of higher education. It counts with representatives from diverse countries such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Lybia, Oman, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen.