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SUMMER SCHOOL for Science Communication

The EuroArab Foundation for Higher Studies participates in the round table about “Science culture for the development in the Mediterranean” on wednesday 25 september, with the intervention of the Vice-secretary of the EuroArab Foundation, Dra. PILAR CARRASCO.


The Euro-Mediterranean and Middle East Summer School for Science Communication (link is external)(EMME Summer School), in which the EuroArab Fondation for Higher Studies collaborates, aims to set-up a Euro-Mediterranean program for science centres and any other organisation working for the public engagement in science, in order to reinforce their capacities, to strengthen dialogue and exchange, and to increase the community of players in the region. The principal scope is to support the development of science communication projects and the establishment of new ones in the region.

The EMME Summer School is promoted by the two networks of science centres operating around the Mediterranean: ECSITE and NAMES and thanks to the active involvement of some of their members: Scientific center of Kuwait, BA Planetarium Science Centre, Città della Scienza, Universcience and Universcience partenaires, Museo delle Scienze, Parque de la Ciencias, and the Natural History Museum.

The EuroArab Foundation for Higher Studies participates in the round table about “Science culture for the development in the Mediterranean” on wednesday 25 September with the intervention of the Vice-secretary of the EuroArab Foundation, Dra.Pilar Carrasco Carrasco, with Vincenzo Lipardi, CEO Città della Scienza; Mario Scalet, Head of Science Unit, UNESCO Office in Venice; Raffaella Lodice, Head of Unit for Mediterranean programs at DG Cooperation, European Commission and Jose Mariano Gago, Former Minister for Research, Portugal (tbc)